We are doing great! I have been very busy with Steven's school and running after an 18month old!!! Steven in loving the 1st grade and is progressing very nicely. The first few weeks were nothing short of NERVE RACKING to say the least. I have had to make some adjustment to my schedule and the school schedule so that our lives would be alot calmer....if that is possible. I read a blog recently about one's perspective of the daily interuptions that arise in our lives, THANK YOU for that reminder! (You know who you are!) Carson is also loving "school". I am not "officially" teaching him this year, but he is so eager to learn that I hate to pass up the opportunity. The other day, Steven played school with him and later made the comment to me that "Carson is really smart!" I do love hearing the boys quote their memory verses together as if they were "preaching" the Word. We have been trying to emphazise expression in our memorization so that they can understand what the verse is saying. Maybe we overdo it a weeee bit. Larry and I listened this morning and were overjoyed! Sometimes Carson may forget a word but he remembers the spots to go louder and softer. We are blessed that our boys have hearts tender toward God!
I'm going to try to post some pictures of some of our vacation this summer and some odd n edd picures as well! Enjoy!

This is how Larry spends his time, a book, his MP3, a large tent above him, and food! He only goes to the beach for the mine and the boys sake! He's a great daddy! His loves are the mountains and fast bikes...well most of you know him well!
We took one day and went to Paris Island were David (Christa's boyfriend) trained to be a Marine! He is being deployed to Iraq this month and is currently spending time with his family in Florida. Christa joined him there for this week and they will both fly back to GA. He will spend a few days there and then on to NC before his deployment. Please pray for him, his dear family, Christa and us as we have grown to love him thru Christa! Anyway... here is a picture of the base and picture of them in training. The boys thought this was the best day of their lives....I hope I didn't plant a seed.....

We also went the Chocolate Facorty in Beauford. It smelled like what I imagine Heaven to smell like!! This is the store that "Forest Gump" bought his mother chocolate from in the movie Forest Gump! A very cute shop!
Peyton loved seeing all the deer on the Island where we stayed. He would stand and look off the back patio for as long as the deer would stay.
Here is Peyton going fishing off the back deck! That is until we found the alligator!!!